This cellular shop software includes most, if not all of the features that a cellphone store owner needs to manage his/her business efficiently, and be able to take and process customer orders, purchase orders, enter and track repairs, track inventory by sku and by serial numbers, accepts and process payments, issue refunds, process customer returns, manage employees, employee schedules, employee vacations, and more. This software also includes features that will allow a business owner to accept customer returns with and without a receipt. You can track orders that you send to suppliers, and receive shipments of orders from your suppliers. You can create quotes, place items on layaway, send marketing and other types of emails and SMS messages to customers, you can setup multiple printers, including receipt and regular printers, you can setup a cash drawer to open automatically upon receiving a payment, you can track labor hours, enter payroll records, allows employees to report any cash tips they receive, you can setup product add-ons, so that when a product is ordered, the product can be configured with additional accessories for a charge or no charge. The software also comes with many useful reports that can help you adjust your business strategy in order to grow your business and increase your profits.